Philip Kotler

David Taylor is the leading global authority on leadership and business success, with a prestigious client base including Tesco, HSBC, Abu Dhabi Government Services and the Rolls Royce.

Know as ‘The Naked Leader’ – David has an extraordinary ability to strip away uncertainty and doubt, and conclusively show that everything we need to be successful a successful leader, we already have! David is the acclaimed author of the global best selling trilogy ‘Naked Leader’ books which have been published in over 150 countries and 30 languages.
David has a driving, positive passion for True Business Leadership – to liberate the ambition, energy and awesome powers that lie deep within us all, enabling people, teams and organisations to be the very best that they can be, at every level.

David’s presentation will give you an insight into his teaching method to prepare you for his full day workshop covering emotional intelligence, unlocking human potential, and the power of true leadership, action and persuasion.

The Reinvention of Business
‘When will business leaders realise that the secret to success is simple; harness, ignite and release the power of people?’


To book David Taylor to speak at your event, please contact: Jan Jones Worldwide Speakers Bureau at 1-760-431-8692

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