Derek Rydall

After a life-changing 'brush with death' experience, Derek Rydall considered becoming a monk, then a minister, then cloistered himself in his apartment without TV or news and meditated for several years - finally emerging to become a licensed integrative therapist, a professional writer, and adopt a monk (that's another story).

He went on to train top executives at Fortune 500 companies such as American Express, Disney, Carrier, Hartford Insurance, and CBS in relationship and communication skills, coach thousands of writers, artists, and entertainment professionals on how to create more enlightened entertainment, and has worked with a diverse array of people around the planet, helping them live a more passionate, purposeful life.

As a professional writer, Derek has ghostwritten six books and authored two of his own, the Amazon bestsellers “I Could've Written a Better Movie Than That!” (Michael Wiese, March 2006) and “There's No Business Like Soul Business: A Spiritual Path to Enlightened Screenwriting, Filmmaking, and Performing Arts” (Michael Wiese, Feb. 2007), which received rave reviews by top artists and entertainment professionals. He has sold or been hired to develop over 20 feature film screenplays and a dozen hours of TV with studios such as Fox, Universal, Sony, MPCA, UA, Disney, Miramax, and Indy producer), and has been hired to rewrite or consult on more scripts, treatments, and books than he can keep track of.

As a licensed spiritual therapist and teacher, Derek has held leadership positions at Agape International Spiritual Center, (home of Michael Beckwith of The Secret) one of the nation's largest and fastest growing spiritual communities with over 10,000 members and a worldwide network. He has been a star speaker at top writing and entertainment expos; led sold-out writing and personal development courses at The Learning Annex and in Europe, and continues to coach, motivate, and inspire thousands of individuals through his own communities at and Derek has written articles for various online and offline magazines and has been interviewed on numerous radio and TV programs.

His networks, contacts, and reach is broad and diverse, enabling him to touch tens of thousands with his mission to remind individuals of their true potential and inspire them to take their craft, career, and consciousness to a whole new level.

Married for 15 years to a woman who has taught him to love, with two children who have taught him to listen, a cat and dog who have taught him to lighten up -- Derek has learned how to ground his theories in everyday reality. And with an extra vertebrae, he has also learned how to bend over backwards when needed!


Derek reveals spiritual secrets that will not only help you connect to your creative unconscious, they will put you on the path to your full potential and true destiny as an artist! - James Bonnet, teacher/author of “Stealing Fire from the Gods.”

Derek not only breaks down all the “rules” of the Hollywood game — so that you know how it’s played and don’t get kicked down the field — he also lays out the spiritual truths that will help you transcend them, tap into your true power, and fulfill your higher purpose! - Mark Harris, Producer, Crash (Academy Award for Best Picture)

Derek Rydall gives us the tools to unlock the conscious artist within each of us. His work is a stepping stone to igniting the conscious media revolution. - Matthew Seigel, Producer, “Big Brothers,” Universal

Derek Rydall has the most insight I’ve ever seen into helping artists and industry professionals find their true strengths and desires once and for all. He clearly guides you to move forward on your own unique path with ease and deep understanding. You’ll feel a sense of ‘finally finding home’ - Amanda Robinson, President/Founder, The Institute for Spiritual Entertainment (ISELA)

Derek will teach you the ideas that helped him go from being nearly broke, to getting his big break as a best-selling author and international coach, making a 7-figure income.  He’ll teach you the principles and practices that helped him build a thriving global business, heal deep emotional wounds, transform himself physically, doing it all with a deeper connection to his Spirit – giving him a security the world can never take away.

To book Derek Rydall to speak at your event, please contact: Jan Jones Worldwide Speakers Bureau at 1-760-431-8692

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